Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Comparison of Bhagavad Gita(Hinduism), Zoroaster(Zoroastrinianism) and the Teachings of Confucius(Confucianism)

Bhagavad Gita(Hinduism)
  • Brahmins(educated priest class)
  • Brahmins spread religion through word of mouth and ceremonies.
  • Detachment from worldly pleasures
  • Everyone has a soul that needs saving
  • The soul lives on forever and escape samsara.
  • Multiple deities,main ones being Krishna and Vishnu (polytheism)
  • Mahi(priest class)
  • Mahi/Magi responsible for keeping Zoroaster's teachings (oral traditions)
  • Emphasis on moderation
  • Everyone has a soul that needs saving
  • The soul lives on forever, but will be judged.
  • Ahura Mazda(monotheism)
  • Emphasized people playing their roles in society(enforcing social distinctions/stratification)
  • Spread significantly by the Zhou dynasty as it was adapted as the core of Chinese education.
  • Focused on 5 relationships(ex.father-son) and 5 virtues(Ren-humanity)
  • No reference to a soul
  • More of a way to live a virtuous life and an orderly existence
  • No reference to a god

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