Monday, October 7, 2013

Alexander “the Great”?

I believe that Alexander is entitled to his fame and glory. He was a great military strategist at a very young age and was fit to be the conqueror of the world. Though he did have his fair share of flaws from his alcoholism to his relationships with women, to his reckless acts of cruelty. His military prowess shines through when he met Darius between the Tigris and Greatzab River, knowing fully that he was going into an ambush where he was outnumbered. He arranged his men so he could find an opening in the Persian lines of forces to get to Darius which he did, making the Persian army retreat and making him the victor. All of this and only being just 25 years old. He also defeated and captured Bessus, the last Persian offense. He also founded Alexandria the farthermost; kind of adds to his ego/glory a city by his name on the edge of his empire and him being wanted to be worshipped as a god. He also did not help his image when he, in an overly ambitious act, burned down Persepolis. It is also important to mention his killing of those who opposed him (Cleitus and Calisthenes both who spoke against his status) was a bit rash, but it kept his mythos going and consistent. This is why Alexander of Macedonia is in my opinion allowed to be known as 'Alexander the Great'. His mixture of great conquests and his need to do what others had not is what made him great.

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