Monday, September 9, 2013

Comments on Maya's History Head

Hello Maya, 

I really like your artistic abilities in this project. I think your pictures are really good and colorful. Although, your picture for number 4 is a bit unclear. You explained to me that it was about the Chinese slaves or commoners who had worked to build these buildings. I think if you added a hammer, it would help the viewer to understand the picture. The similarities that I found between our cultures is maritime trade. The Chinese and Mesopotamians (Sumerians) had both traded with different societies. These both societies had chariots which they used for war and gain land. The difference would be the Chinese beliefs which are that their ancestor's spirits would take care of them if the Chinese did. Mesopotamians did not have that belief system, they had worshiped gods for various things such as fertility. My question to you is why did you choose to represent weapons of the same kind of material (which looks like iron) even though the Chinese had monopoly over bronze and they created tools from bronze? 


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