Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Aztec Podcast

The Three Things I Had No Idea About
1. They were considered as barbarians, different from all the other civilizations in the Mesoamerica area.
2. The language of the Aztecs did not originate from where they had lived which suggests that the Aztecs had originated from somewhere else.
3. The Aztecs were considered 'Stone Age' with neolithic obsidian tools, no wheel, etc. but they were sophisticated and advanced in arts etc.

The Two Things I Found Interesting
1. They had a theory that the Aztecs were Egyptians that had moved because of the Aztec pyramids were similar to the Egyptians. They thought that the Egyptians sailed across the Atlantic and created this empire.
2. The Aztecs were pretty big. They had a largest and the most ruthless empire in the pre-Hispanic empire.

The One Question I Have For The Aztecs
1. About human sacrifices, how many humans did you sacrifice for the sake of the ritual?

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