Thursday, November 7, 2013

Byzantine Law Codes

1)  According to the prologue, what was the purpose of creating this code?
The purpose of creating this code was to take and simplify the complex law of the former Roman Empire. Also to get rid of the superfluous parts to make it easier to be used. 
2)  What does this text cite as the source of Roman law?
The text cites as the source of Roman law as being the law of nature, the law of nations as a whole, and from the civil law of Rome. 
3)  What, if anything, does this text teach us about Byzantine society?
The text teaches one that the Byzantine society was complex and strong. They were rational and wanted an institution of law to uphold the integrity of the empire, and understood advancements were necessary to make the former Law fit into their needs. It also teaches one that the empire was primarily Christian and they regarded God as an all-powerful being. They are faithful to them and their fate is in his hands.

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