Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Mongol Trial

Mongol Trial 5
Today is the day! The first day of the trials where we are convicting the Mongols for their crimes! Shivesh did the opening statement and did a very good job. His opening statement was very moving, well done and showed that he was well-prepared. Nathan who did the opening statement for the defense sort of helped the prosecution. After the opening statements of both, the defense and prosecution, we moved on with calling witnesses to the stand for direct as well as cross examination. Dillon who was the Pope Innocent was first then I was. After us, Rachel was called to the stand and that was all for the first day. And hopefully tomorrow will be great for the prosecution!

Mongol Trial 6

Today is the second day of the trial. We had 3 witnesses from the prosecution that had to be called to the stand. Anjali was first then Tommy then Tori. The defense did not do so well; when Nathan was questioning the witness, he kept going in circles, he was asking irrelevant questions and eventually he ran out of time. After that, the witnesses were called to stand for direct and cross examinations. Michelle was the cross examiner and she did an amazing job! She showed sass and she should definitely be a lawyer in the future. Today was really good the prosecution side and we got the evidence that we were convicting them of. I’m looking forward to the closing statements because they are important to the trial. Ashay is going to do the closing statement from the prosecution side. I think the defense's closing statement will be interesting but they have no chance of winning this trial.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Mongol Trial

Mongol Trial Day 1
Today, on the first day, we figured out who would do what. After starting out with more than 2 lawyers, we made several changes and switches, and we now have 6 witnesses and 4 lawyers. I am the Abbasid caliph, Al-Mustasim. Today was productive, we got done what we had to and progress was made. We created our twitter and blog. I was then able to start my research. I found out information about Al-Mustasim. At home, I finished reading one-third of the chapter and took notes.
Mongol Trial Day 2
Today in class with the small amount of class time left, we basically clarified and worked on further for the trial. I completed my story about Al-Mustasim, the Abbasid caliph, and my story is pretty solid. Tonight, I read another third of the chapter and also thought about what questions the defense will ask.
Mongol Trial Day 3
Today in class we made a lot of progress. I, along with other witnesses continued working on our back stories and made helpful stories that the defense can't poke holes through. Also, the witnesses had a twitter war with the Mongol defense. I believe this trial will be intense because of the trash talks on twitter. The lawyers compiled questions for example, Maya, the direct examiner, met with the witnesses and talked to them about what she going to ask them particularly; the other lawyers were creating their opening and closing statements and the cross examiner was looking up information to find holes in the defense’s argument.
Mongol Trial Day 4
In class, we watched the documentary which took most of class time.  I talked to Maya, the direct examiner, about the questions that she will ask me. At home, I finished reading last part of the chapter and looked over some important points.